Suscipe, from the Latin, is the first word in St. Ignatius of Loyola's prayer offering everything he has back to God in recognition that all he possessed, even his memory, intellect, and will were gifts from God. His expression of love to the God who IS Love was to return it all for God's greater glory. Suscipe, while translated "Receive", also includes the idea of "Take". So, the Suscipe Prayer is most often known as the "Take and Receive" prayer.
Out of our experiences of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, we have been graced with the passion to be instruments of God in bringing the opportunity to profoundly encounter Christ to as many people as possible. Suscipe Press arose out of having facilitated Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola for over a decade and recognizing that sometimes a little guidance can be helpful along the path of God's heart.
We desire to create resources that are beneficial in helping people "toward the end for which they have been created" while also not getting in the way of the unique ways that God directly moves and communicates with each person. We believe deeply in the transformative work the Holy Spirit accomplishes through Ignatian Spirituality and the Spiritual Exercises. We hope that our journals and other resources are invitations to deep moments of prayer and graced encounters with Christ. And we return all this to God to do with as God desires.